San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Coverage

It has been my intention for a long, long time now to have Bubblegum Way v.2 up-and-running by the start of the San Diego Comic-Con 2010 convention. Sadly, this will almost not likely happen, as I don’t see it being possible for me to get the new design up and running 100% on within 24hrs. I will try my very best to make this a reality.

As a “back-up plan” to this inconvenience, I have set up a “throwaway” website to test the new layout and everything prior to making it live. It is on this “test site” that I will continue to do up-to-date Comic-Con 2010 coverage. Please, be aware that due to the limits of the host that I have uploaded the test onto, the site loads extremely poorly, taking a somewhat unfriendly amount of time to fully load a page.

I view this as a wonderful opportunity to let our community get a taste of what is to become of Bubblegum Way within the next few days and also supply you with up-to-date coverage of the biggest event in movies.

Be sure to leave comments and opinions on this “test site” as all will be carried over to the final home at once everything is complete. I have also gone and uploaded my review of Christopher Nolan’s INCEPTION, which i rave about and ultimately award the much coveted 10/10 rating. There is a small amount of news coverage that is not present on the old home (here) that is quite interesting as well.

Many links will lead to a dead-end (on posts outside of the Comic-Con coverage), so I ask you to also ignore these errors.

We here are eternally grateful to the small-but-growing community we’ve established here at Bubblegum Way over the past few months. Yes, we’re looking at you Brizzy, shay, YURP, Geeky Fem, AZZAM, GentlemanREDUX, hello there., Big-E, and everybody else I missed. You keep this place alive and give us a reason to continue posting entertainment news.

There will be slight modifications on the news coverage we will be presenting on BGW v.2 (video game coverage will be slimmed down almost entirely, sorry). We can only hope to create a website that is easier to interact with and also to communicate with our community.

Thank you for giving us the time in your day. You can view the test site HERE. Please be sure to come back to this post and post your concerns, complaints, and regards so we can further improve upon the new design. Thank you again. – Fred Lozano

9 Responses to “San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Coverage”
  1. Brizzy says:

    Glad to be of some assistance ;)

  2. quickV says:

    new version looking good man!

  3. Brizzy says:

    Im kind of begining to believe that there wont be an update..? :S

  4. shay says:

    umm is this site dead? lol

  5. Danny says:

    Damn, this was a great blog back in the day. R.I.P. Bubblegum Way.

  6. araneesh araneesh says:

    nice post

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